Week 1

  • Objects have attributes which are characteristics of an object
  • A class is the blueprint that objects are created from. Instantiating an object calls the constrcutor to create an object.
  • A constructor is code that has the same name as the class and tells the computer how to create a new object

  • Parameter: a variable in the method/constructor signature that defines the type of value to receive when the method or constructor is called
    • in the definition of a function
  • Argument: a value passed to a method/constructor when the method or constructor is called
    • when calling the function

    # Collegeboard Unit Lessons

    Unit Lesson Notes from Class Presentations

  • toc: true
  • badges: true
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  • categories: [jupyter]
  • image: images/acorn.png

    Unit 1: Primitive Types

  • Primitives Example:
  • GPA Calculator

  • Primitive Types
    • Boolean
    • Numeric
      • Character
        • char
      • Integral
        • Integer
          • byte
          • short
          • int
          • long
        • FLoating-point
          • float
          • double
  • Wrapper Classes (Non-Primitive)
    • String, Array, etc.
    • Like an object so has methods
  • Additional W1 Notes:
    • Input
      • Scanner input;
      • input = new Scanner(System.in);
      • System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");
      • input.close();
    • Output
      • System.out.println();

        Unit 2: Using Objects

        Unit 3: Booleans Expressions and if Statements

Compound Boolean Expressions

  • De Morgan’s Law - helps simplify boolean expressions
  • !(a&&b)= (!a || !b)
  • Truth tables to visualize Boolean identities

Comparing Objects

  • use == to see if two obj references are aliases for the same obj or to see if an obj is null
  • use .equals() to see if the attributes of two obj are the same

    Unit 4: Iteration

While Loops

  • do something while a condition is true

int x = 5;

// The boolean expression in this case is x > 0 while (x > 0) { System.out.println(x); x–; }

  • while loops can be used to iterate over elements int[] array = {3, 7, 0, 2, 4, 5, 9, 1, 3, 6, 3}; int total = 0; int i = 0;

while (i < array.length) { total += array[i]; i++; }


  • infinite while loops - run over and over permanently since boolean condition true at all times import java.util.Scanner;

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String choice;

while (true) { System.out.println(“Would you like to continue: “); choice = input.nextLine(); if (choice.equals(“No”)) { break; } }

Unit 5 Writing Classes

  • Class - blueprint to create objects
    • instance variables/attributes (data)
    • constructors
    • methods
      • accessors/getters
      • mutators/setters
      • main method (tester)
  • Objects are instances of a class
  • Methods are what an object can do
  • public means it can be accessed outside the class
  • private means its restricted to accessing it inside the class
  • Constructors
    • initialize instance variables when an object is created public class Cow {

    // instance variables private String cowType; private String sound; private int numMilkings;

    // constructor public Cow (String cowType, String sound){ this.numMilkings = 0; this.cowType = cowType; this.sound = sound; }

    public String getSound(){ return sound; } }

public class CowDriver{ public static void main(String[] args) { Cow myCow = new Cow(“holstein”, “moo”); System.out.println(myCow.getSound()); // myCow.sound = “bark!”; } }

CowDriver.main(null); public class Song {

/** Verse - prints out a verse of the song

  • @param number - a String like “one”, “two”, etc.
  • @param rhyme - a String like “thumb”, “shoe”, etc. */ public void verse(String number, String rhyme) { System.out.println(“This old man, he played “ + number); System.out.println(“He played knick knack on my “ + rhyme); }

// The chorus method public void chorus() { System.out.println(“With a knick knack paddy whack, give a dog a bone.”); System.out.println(“This old man came rolling home.”); }

public static void main(String args[]) { Song mySong = new Song(); mySong.verse(“one”, “thumb”); mySong.chorus(); mySong.verse(“two”, “shoe”); mySong.chorus(); mySong.verse(“three”, “knee”); mySong.chorus(); mySong.verse(“four”, “door”); mySong.chorus(); } }


Unit 6 Arrays