Week 5 Program Design Hacks
Week 5 Work
Program Design Hacks
Brain Write. The process of just elaborating on ideas and sharing them with your team.
- AP Lit (Redesign Dr. Hall’s Canvas Page)
- DN Reads (Similar to good reads but more Del Norte specific)
- Stats data collection (Tool for AP Stats students to use for data collection)
- Del Norte Market (Idea we chose, place where Del Norte Students can buy/sell school related items such as AP Prepbooks and old calculators)
Wire Frame, Concept. Before coding start to outline what the project will look like. Modeling or UML. Behavior, Interaction, Data diagrams
- Figma Basic Prototype for DN Market
- Basic Outline
- Home Screen
- Top Menu
- Search Bar
- About Us Page
- Able to add listing with product/seller info
- View available items based on categories
- Home Screen
Additionally, some development of Concepts can/should occur. This should be focused on frontend or backend concepts.
Frontend. Wire Frame development is better than coding, at early stages. But if you have clear idea and can articulate it in HTML or CSS it is OK to work there as well.
Backend. Jupyter notebooks is a great way to thing about data and outputs. Often a console program can help you imagine data as well as interaction.